Happy holidays everybody! I hope you've all had fun this December!

It's been a while since the last blog post... Apologies for that, been kinda slacking with working on my site.

Things have been going well with me, my birthday is TOMORROW!!! Yeah, I was born on new year’s eve funnily enough. People often say to me “man that must suck” in response to learning my birthday but I never really had any issues with it? They’ll ask if I get lonely because of how everyone else is gonna be celebrating the new year, which haha very funny that you assume that I like being around people, but I actually kind of prefer celebrating my special day by myself, during this time period I self-reflect a lot and I’m very introverted, so being left alone helps a bunch. The only time of the year I actually feel lonely is during the summer :’)

I also get asked a bunch if the presents I get for Christmas are also my birthday presents, due to how they are in the same week… Short answer; NO! As a kid, anything I didn’t get for Christmas, I would then immediately ask for my upcoming birthday. It was the ultimate life hack as a needy 7 year old lmao.

I’m gonna be turning 18, which is both simultaneously exciting and anxiety inducing! It is definitely an odd feeling, especially with how often I still feel like a 14 year old, but I am going to try my hardest to tackle the new year with grace!! My main aspirations for this new year are that I want to try to remember to take care of myself more, make new friends, and actually learn how to draw backgrounds better. I often can’t function on my own, but going into adulthood I am going to have to overcome that, which is something I’ve dreaded for a long time, but I don’t feel as stressed about that as I once did. I really wish I could stay young forever, and I really hate how much I’ve wasted my teenage years, but it is what it is. I am going to be okay.

Christmas was cool!

Christmas… I had fun!! I got a plushie of Rover from Animal Crossing and a copy of Astro Bot as my main gifts this year. 

I’ve been a massive fan of Animal Crossing ever since 2017, and maaaan I have not let Rover out of my sight ever since I got him. In-fact, he’s watching me write this post right now, say hi Rover!

Look at the creature!!! :]


Astro Bot is AMAZING.

I started playing it immediately after getting my copy of it, and holy shit this is a top tier platformer! I’ve had nothing but fun with it. When I got my PS5 back in 2021 and played Astro’s Playroom, I desperately wanted a full version of it… This game is that wish come true! I really can’t wait to finish it, I’m gonna try to go for the platinum trophy.

he's so cute...

Seeing all the PlayStation cameos really do make me happy... Man it would be so cool if Sony would actually use their legacy of console defining properties. wouldn't that be crazy.


My thoughts on the new Doctor Who special

Time for me to ramble about my special interest for a bit! I have been enjoying how fun this current era has been so far, although sometimes it hasn’t been entirely my cup of tea. I absolutely LOVE the characterisation of the fifteenth doctor, he has so much charisma and I fuckin love Ncuti as him, absolutely perfect casting. 

The newest Christmas special, Joy To The World, was something I did enjoy! I did think that the plot was a little incomprehensible at times, and I didn’t really find myself caring that much for Joy as a character, although her actress did a really good job. 

The ending was a little confusing, but this special did give me all the warm fuzzy feelings. My overall opinions on Doctor Who’s Christmas specials are decisive to say the least. I don’t think there will ever be another special that will be as great as A Christmas Carol, which is a genuinely amazing reinvention of the Scrooge story… I can just only hope that the specials from here on out will only get better in quality. 

Also… GOD I had no idea how much I missed these specials actually airing on Christmas.


Wallace & Gromit - GOATED

Immediately after the Doctor Who special, the new Wallce & Gromit movie aired! I actually loved it, I’ve always been an Aardman lover and they know how to cook. It had some great commentary about the nature of AI and possible dangers if gone unchecked. Felt really comforting to see that topic get tackled, especially with stop motion animation. Go support actual real artists, everyone!

Oh yea there’s this one really funny tweet someone in my friend group found and i thought i’d share it here as well cos it sums up the actual anxiety i feel when watching these lolll

Well, that’s all I really had to talk about! Thanks for reading :D