Welcome to my site :D

remember to clear your cache if you visited earlier, i may of updated something or made a new blog post!

Hello visitor! My name is Jamie, I'm an autistic artist on the internet.

A drawing of Jamie sitting and holding up a peace sign

My pronouns are he/they/star, I'm 18 years old and I live in England!

This is a personal site I created to host a blog about random crap. Maybe some other things will appear on here as well... Maybe. This site is still very new, still working on it and stuff. I plan on adding more pages in the future, such as an art gallery and a page listing all my interests.

I hope you enjoy your stay! <3

The music you hear on this page is LittleBigPlanet - My Advice - Part 1!


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(apologies for any NSFW album covers that may appear without warning! i can't control that... eh they will be small enough that you can barely see em anyways.)